Either Good or Bad, Your Mouth Dictates Your Destiny

命運好不好 就看你的嘴

Either Good or Bad,
Your Mouth Dictates Your Destiny


In general, when speaking, whether one is articulate or eloquent is not that important; what is most important is that one should not be abrasive and speak with the cruel intention of hurting others. In other words, one should speak with a sincere attitude and gentle tenderness, remembering also to praise others. If so, for sure you will have a fantastic destiny.

Palyul Choktrul

Tibetan version   ལས་དབང་བཟང་ངན་ནི་ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་ཁ་ལ་རག་ལས།
Chinese version  命運好不好 就看你的嘴
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