Winning Is Guaranteed in a Showdown


Winning Is Guaranteed in a Showdown


We have no fear for a showdown between the good and the evil, when there’s such a confrontation, the good will always win, and the evil will certainly lose. This is a matter of fact, and depends only on whether or not we are determined enough.

So, don’t worry about whether or not karmic hindrances can be removed; rather, worry about whether or not we are determined enough.

Just like a room that has been dark for aeons can be lightened up with a single lamp, our karmic offences accumulated over aeons past, can surely be eradicated, as long as we repent with our words and mind in concert.

Palyul Choktrul

Tibetan version   འཐབ་ན་ཁེ་ལོན་རྒྱུ་ཡོད་པ་བརྒྱ་ཆ་བརྒྱ་རེད།
Chinese version   只要對決 一定會贏
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