Praises on Bodhicitta 11 – 15


Praises on Bodhicitta 11 – 15


Without Bodhicitta,
neither virtuous deeds such as chanting,
nor achievement of high realization such as Dzogchen and Mahamudra,
can become the cause to attaining Buddhahood.

The amount of sentient beings is immeasurable.
The numerous kalpas are difficult to pass through and resolve.
Those who embrace these with increasing joy instead of weariness
are the great warriors of Bodhi.

The moment that you arouse Bodhicitta,
all afflictions will immediately disappear,
all places you will find virtuous mentors
and all your body and soul will be at peace.

Bodhicitta is like gold,
fulfilling the desires of the rich,
relieving the poor from hunger,
and bringing joy to all.

Bodhicitta is like the Mother Earth,
offering herself up as foundations for both sentient beings and material things alike,
carrying the weight of both superiors and inferiors alike,
treating all equally and indiscriminately.

Palyul Choktrul
Urgyen Translation DreamStudio
2020/11/5 – 11/9

Tibetan version   བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་ལ་བསྟོད་པ། 11 – 15
Traditional Chinese version   菩提心讚頌 11 – 15
Bodhicaryāvatāra Chapter 1 – The Benefits of Bodhicitta

Praises on Bodhicitta Series