Praises on Bodhicitta 81 – 88
The merits of Bodhicitta,
So wonderful and inconceivable;
How shall one practice Bodhi,
Study Bodhicaryāvatāra in detail.
The merits of Bodhicitta,
So wonderful and inconceivable;
How shall one practice Bodhi,
Study Bodhicaryāvatāra in detail.
Attaining the enlightenment of Prajna,
Is one aspect of Bodhicitta;
The five kinds of visions and six supernatural powers,
All derived from Bodhicitta.
Possessing the bliss of Bodhicitta,
Albeit without the fortunes of nagas,
Nor the august power of the Brahma,
One still stands atop of men and devas.
Violate Bodhisattva Vow,
Repentance can clear and pay off;
Golden urn though broken,
Can still be recast.
When mind and Bodhicitta collide in harmony,
Apocalypse poses no fear,
Sentient beings shall take refuge,
In none other than Bodhicitta.
If one holds Bodhicitta,
Even in the intermediate state between death and rebirth,
One would happily stay without fear,
Like a crane having found its thirst quenching water.
If there isn’t Bodhicitta,
One’s accumulations of
merits and wisdom,
Will “wither” like a plantain tree upon fruition,
Making it difficult for one to sail across the Sea of Samsara.
As soon as one aroused Bodhicitta,
His ātma-grāha (urge for ego-grasping) will be eradicated;
As long as one practices with diligence the Bodhisattva’s way to benefit and bring joy to sentient beings,
He ought to attain Buddhahood.
When one is free of selfishness,
Anxieties and ailments resulting from suspicion will cease.
When one is considerate of others,
All sentient beings will rejoice.
Food is the most essential for the starved;
Remedy is the most critical for the sick;
Treasure is the most important for the impoverished;
Generating Boddhicitta is the most sacred for the sagacious.
The merits of Bodhicitta,
So wonderful and inconceivable;
How shall one practice Bodhi,
Study Bodhicaryāvatāra in detail.
Attaining the enlightenment of Prajna,
Is one aspect of Bodhicitta;
The five kinds of visions and six supernatural powers,
All derived from Bodhicitta.
Possessing the bliss of Bodhicitta,
Albeit without the fortunes of nagas,
Nor the august power of the Brahma,
One still stands atop of men and devas.
Violate Bodhisattva Vow,
Repentance can clear and pay off;
Golden urn though broken,
Can still be recast.
When mind and Bodhicitta collide in harmony,
Apocalypse poses no fear,
Sentient beings shall take refuge,
In none other than Bodhicitta.
If one holds Bodhicitta,
Even in the intermediate state between death and rebirth,
One would happily stay without fear,
Like a crane having found its thirst quenching water.
If there isn’t Bodhicitta,
One’s accumulations of
merits and wisdom,
Will “wither” like a plantain tree upon fruition,
Making it difficult for one to sail across the Sea of Samsara.
As soon as one aroused Bodhicitta,
His ātma-grāha (urge for ego-grasping) will be eradicated;
As long as one practices with diligence the Bodhisattva’s way to benefit and bring joy to sentient beings,
He ought to attain Buddhahood.
When one is free of selfishness,
Anxieties and ailments resulting from suspicion will cease.
When one is considerate of others,
All sentient beings will rejoice.
Food is the most essential for the starved;
Remedy is the most critical for the sick;
Treasure is the most important for the impoverished;
Generating Boddhicitta is the most sacred for the sagacious.