Chok Paṇḍita


Feeling Good About Myself

Seized, the wisdom of Rongzom Paṇḍita;
Mastered, the realization of Longchenpa,
All exoteric and esoteric Dharmas;
I, Crazy Choktrul, am free and unfettered.

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Masters who are still breathing

The great masters, debaters, philosophers, the enlightened ones, those carrying yellow mala beads, and those who clap their hands in debate, all of the above in Tibetan Buddhism who are still breathing,

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Six Dialectics on Awareness

All the khenpos topped with red and yellow hats, those who consider themselves sages, scholars, and those meticulous precept-abiding experts of vinaya, please prick up your ears and hear me

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Feeling Good About Myself

Seized, the wisdom of Rongzom Paṇḍita;
Mastered, the realization of Longchenpa,
All exoteric and esoteric Dharmas;
I, Crazy Choktrul, am free and unfettered.

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Masters who are still breathing

The great masters, debaters, philosophers, the enlightened ones, those carrying yellow mala beads, and those who clap their hands in debate, all of the above in Tibetan Buddhism who are still breathing,

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Six Dialectics on Awareness

All the khenpos topped with red and yellow hats, those who consider themselves sages, scholars, and those meticulous precept-abiding experts of vinaya, please prick up your ears and hear me

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