
Top dogs

Not discriminating against any race, not showing bias towards any religion, upholding the authentic transmission of the Nyingma lineage, and to always have guts when treating with people.

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Khampa alpha

A hundred men fall to envy;
A hundred women lose their minds;
Great masters lose their courage;
Petty masters tremble with fear.

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Clinging Guru Rinpoche

Many people cling to the notion of regarding Guru Rinpoche as “Buddha appearance”, while considering themselves as the “appearance of ordinary beings”.

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Top dogs

Not discriminating against any race, not showing bias towards any religion, upholding the authentic transmission of the Nyingma lineage, and to always have guts when treating with people.


Khampa alpha

A hundred men fall to envy;
A hundred women lose their minds;
Great masters lose their courage;
Petty masters tremble with fear.


Clinging Guru Rinpoche

Many people cling to the notion of regarding Guru Rinpoche as “Buddha appearance”, while considering themselves as the “appearance of ordinary beings”.
